Monday, September 22, 2008

More Pies!!

Last night, I made the first apple pie I had ever made. I had a piece, Chris had a piece, Jamie had a piece, I sent a large piece home with Beth and girls, Ambre and Haley had a piece and there was one piece left for my hubby of 39 years ( that's a long time to wait for an apple pie).

Anyway, by the time the pie was done, he was already in bed asleep. He said I'll eat mine tomorrow when I get home from work.

Well, I told Jamie and Chris (who was already in bed) not to touch the last piece, it was for Poppie.

When Chris and I got home today, I went down to Ambre's to watch the kids while she went to school. Chris came up to the house and was going to come down later and spell me while I cooked supper. When I got up here, he had eaten Danny's piece of pie. I just about had heart failure. He said, he didn't remember me telling him not to eat the pie. So anyway, Jamie and Chris took off for Teresa's and got more apples and I made a couple more pies. Not too bad!!

I think I'm gettin' the hang of this! It's not that difficult. Now I wish I had tried it sooner. I still need to work on my edging though. Anyway, I made sure Danny got a piece of one of these. I cut one and put him a piece in a container for his lunch. Nite Nite!

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