Wednesday, April 10, 2013


      Have I ever told you how much I really despise the kitchen?  I really, totally and absolutely despise a kitchen.  I really can't tell you why...I know why...but I can't tell you why.   Does that sound reasonable?

     Well, not long ago, my sweet hubby promised me that when we started drawing our Social Security and thing were looking up, he would take me out more often so I wouldn't have to cook.

     Today, his doctor put him on a "eat more healthy diet".  Well, I thought we were doing pretty good.  I wasn't adding salt to his food and was broiling and baking as much as possible...not frying.  But now, we have to basically change our whole way of fixing food and the foods we eat.  No more unhealthy snacks for him ( peanut butter crackers, chips, moon pies...etc).  Now I guess I will be making a lot of trips to the grocery store for fresh fruits and veggies.

Do I sound as if I'm whining?  Well, yeah you do!!  Uh oh, I'm losing it..I'm asking myself questions and then answering them.

Uurrrgggghhhh!!!  I hate the kitchen!!!!  Have I told you that?   Oh well,  I must keep my hubby around a while longer so here goes.......!