Thursday, July 23, 2009

SALSA (not the dance)

My sister-in-law, Diane, gave me some tomatoes from her garden. She also gave me her recipe for homemade salsa. So this evening Ambre and I made salsa. You start with a lot of tomatoes.
Then you add all kinds of good things like green peppers, onions, tomato paste, salt, sugar and then you cook for a while.
After that we filled the sterilized jars and cooked them in a hot water bath for 20 minutes and there you go. Salsa!!!!
Note: Pay no attention to the Texas Pete in the background. None of this was added to the recipe. It just happened to be sitting on the table when I took this picture. However, a small pod of hot pepper was chopped up in the mix to add a little zest.

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