Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I had to make a trip down to Hudson today to go to the bank. On the way back a song came on the radio...I've heard it a hundred times before, but I guess because today is Jamie's birthday, it hit me kinda hard and I almost had to pull over, I was crying so hard. It was Trace Adkins song...Your Gonna Miss This!!! It made me start thinking back to when the kids were little and life was a lot simpler. The words go something like this... You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast These are some good times So take a good look around You may not know it now But you're gonna miss this! And you know what? It is so true. I miss the smiles and tears on little grubby faces. I miss being wrestled to the floor by three little ones. I miss school mornings trying to get them to school on time. I miss blonde hair, blue eyes and buck teeth laughing so hard he can't stand up. I miss red hair, freckles and brown eyes not being still for two minutes. I miss brown hair, brown eyes screaming "my brother hit me"! I miss the look on Bo's face the first time he held Ambre. I miss the look on Jamie's face that said I don't like you..you stole my Mommy! I miss the skint knees, bruised elbows, haircuts, baths, Christmas mornings and most of all I miss the little bitty kisses that said, "I love you Mommy, your the best"! Yep..I really do miss this!!!!

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