Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Children!!

You know the Bible says you are not supposed to brag and I really don't want to. But I really need to say something about my children. I just need to say that I thank God for them everyday. They have been a blessing to me through out the years. Bo is the oldest and he is married to Millie. They were meant for each other, like two peas in a pod. He is the maintenance supervisor at Blue Ridge Homes in Campabella, SC. He makes rustic furniture in his spare time and makes keeping Millie happy his number one priority.

Then we have Jamie. Being a middle child is not easy. I think Jamie has always felt kind of left out, but he really hasn't been. He's had a hard time in his personal life but has never let that keep him down for long. He has such a resilence that's its uncanny. He quit school in the tenth grade. But now he is going to ICC and getting his GED. He has the determination of a Brahma bull. And the temper to go with it, I might add. He has such a love for his children. And he's also talented. He went down to Bo's and used his shop tools and made the most beautiful jewelry box. He has the voice of an angel, if you could get him to use it. I've heard him sing and its beautiful.

Then we have Ambre, otherwise known as Dingleberry, Doodywhopper, Banaboo! She is my youngest. To me, Ambre is the most beautiful thing on two feet. But I can't convince her of that. She has always had a problem with confidence. Everything she has ever attempted to do, she has accomplished. When line dancing was in, I don't think I 've ever seen anyone who could outdo her on the dance floor. She learned to crochet at an early age. She quit school in the tenth grade like Jamie but succeeded in getting her diploma at ICC and surprising me one Christmas. She can make pottery and knows how the figure the ratios for making glazes. (there are some Chemists who can't do that). Her Daddy bought her a sewing machine and she taught herself to sew. She will take an instruction book and read it from front to back and find it interesting. ( I think it's a pile of slop and only skip through what I need ). She has gone back to school to get her nursing degree and has made almost all A's. She makes quilts and totes and purses and does all this while trying to raise three children ( two in potty training). I see myself in Ambre. The me that should have been. I'm so glad she will not wait like I did to try and make something for herself in this world. To wait is to be forgotten and pushed aside. But Ambre will not be, she will succeed and I know that she has the determination to keep going until everything she wants to do in life, she does it.

I'm very proud of all three of my children. They are three very talented and very loving individuals who make me a very lucky mother. I thank God for them everyday.

1 comment:

Shelliesworld said...

ya know , I have some things to say about your children too . I love them with all my heart ! Sometimes (MOST OF THE TIME ) I feel closer to them than I do my own siblings . I miss Bo , it's been over a yr i think since i've got ot talk to him . Jamie I catch up with him from time to time but Ambre , now that my girl ! I am very proud of her craftyness (if thats even a word ) I tell everybody they just gotta ck out what she is doing now ! I wish I could spend more time with her . maybe this summer ........ anyway just wanted to say I think the world of your children too ! love to you all